Breitling was quite popular several years ago when I first entered the watch industry, and it was one of the most replicated brands at that time. However, its popularity has waned, falling behind brands like Rolex, IWC, and Panerai. Despite this decline, certain models such as the Avenger, Navitimer, and Superocean still have good replicas produced by various factories. Today, I would like to introduce you to a remarkable replica Breitling Superocean from a lesser-known factory named OX. Unlike other Superocean models, this one appears larger and more robust.
This replica Breitling comes in a striking blue color, and the factory does not offer any other color options for this model. Blue is fitting for a watch named Superocean, as it resonates with the ocean theme. The watch is constructed entirely from solid 316L stainless steel, including both the case and bracelet. I noticed that the replica feels slightly heavier than the genuine version, which I personally enjoy. Although a 44mm case is not considered large for modern automatic watches, it gives this Superocean a stronger and more substantial appearance. For most men’s wrists, this Breitling Superocean may feel a bit oversized, so it’s advisable to visit a watch shop for professional band adjustments.
The bezel is uni-directionally rotating and also blue, with the bezel insert made from standard metal rather than ceramic. The dial matches the blue bezel perfectly. The dial is encased in a sturdy frame, resulting in a compact spacing that enhances visibility. The hour markers are large and white, providing a high contrast against the blue dial background, which is essential for diving watches. Additionally, I appreciate the design of the second hand, which features a red tip that stands out beautifully.
Finally, this replica watch is powered by an Asia ETA 2824 automatic movement. Some websites claim it uses a genuine ETA movement, but that is not accurate. Nonetheless, the Asia ETA 2824 is known for its stability and is the most commonly used movement in replica watches. Typically, a replica watch with this movement can function reliably for over three years.